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Susan Elaine Jones
Sep 26, 20192 min read
Death, Dying and Disposal
Last month was a conference in Bath, called Death, Dying and Disposal 14 (the 14th time it has happened, not happening in 2014, I'm not...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jul 11, 20198 min read
In defence of buying a human skeleton
It isn’t about owning a skeleton. It is about access. It is about trust. It is about our shared humanity. It’s about communion with our...
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Susan Elaine Jones
May 10, 20191 min read
Death Fest 2019!
Death Fest time is here again! Okay, so we never officially called it that. Instead, this month, I've been helping put the final touches...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Apr 17, 20192 min read
Handling death with the death maidens
As arrangements for the Dying for Life event "Things to do when you're dead"* are hotting up, I'm getting out and about talking to people...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jan 13, 20192 min read
Death Wishes
Goodness December was filled with depressing amounts of lying resting on the sofa. Starting to climb out of the fug now, and get active...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Nov 4, 20182 min read
Best story of the month
This month I have been to a number of Death Awareness events: From Selfies to Runes, how do we want to be remembered? Face to Face with...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Aug 10, 20182 min read
Faces of Tutankhamen
Also at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology this month (only till 23 September) are some original photos of the tomb of...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Aug 3, 20182 min read
Horn dancing and headdresses
The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) has an exhibition based on the Star Carr finds. If you're not familiar with it, it is...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jul 13, 20184 min read
Things I learnt last week
Last week I spent a couple of days at the Material Bodies conference, where archaeologists and historians got together to share and...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jun 4, 20181 min read
Help a starving artist
Quick blog post to say things are for sale. Specifically, a first opportunity to see and buy four limited edition images from my...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Apr 6, 20181 min read
Dying for a panacea
A quick note to say, if you haven't been lucky enough to receive a panacea cure (available by post up until 2012) from the immortal...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Mar 23, 20182 min read
The dead on display
Summary of the University of Southampton "Skeletons, Stories and Social Bodies" conference 2018: Met some old friends, made some new...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Mar 18, 20181 min read
Packing for social bones
Quick blog to say sorry for being quiet - I've been manning various events in the Cambridge Science Festival, and now am packing pictures...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Dec 18, 20171 min read
Need a last minute present idea?
I interrupt myself and my series on the lovely Ipswich museum with this urgent seasonal message. I had a lovely tour of the Fitzwilliam...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Sep 29, 20172 min read
Curious beasts before the deluge
A belated write up of a lovely afternoon spent in the company of curious beasts at the Whipple Museum as part of Open Cambridge. These...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Sep 1, 20172 min read
Skeleton day trip to meet the public
Last weekend I had a fantastic afternoon meeting people meeting human bones for the first time. It was a free, drop in workshop organised...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Aug 18, 20173 min read
Meeting a new skull
So last month I had a chance to meet a new skull. And was invited by a pro to "say what I see". Let's see what I can tell you about a...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jul 26, 20172 min read
Timeline of death (in art)
After the wonderful, lovely, joyful, belly laughs of the Death and the Maiden conference, I have been resting. I did present the full...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jul 15, 20172 min read
The Marathon scale of progressive acceptability
Sorry I've been so quiet recently. I had a long rest after Dying for Life, then a push to write up the final bits for my photography...
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Susan Elaine Jones
May 22, 20171 min read
Dying for Life was dead good
A very quick post (as I'm still exhausted) to say how brilliant the Dying for Life Event was. Over 150 people came to chat about dying,...
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