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We are running "Fun things to do when you're dead" as a fun death awareness event through Dying for Life, and are reusing these donor cards as promotional flyers.
These were designed as a series of modern donor cards, to amuse and reflect on whilst you obviously also make sure you carry a real donor card.
Card reverse
Zombie card
Yorick card
Wood card
Twitter card
Soap card
Sky card
Skellie card
Plastic card
Pickled card
Reuse card
Relic card
Mummy card
Medic card
Insult card
Hip card
Gem card
Firework card
Frozen card
Facebook card
Dummy card
digital card
Dig me card
Coroner card
Coral reef card
Crem card
Connolly card
Charnel card
Cats card
Cannibal card
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