Death Fest time is here again!
Okay, so we never officially called it that. Instead, this month, I've been helping put the final touches of preparation for Death Awareness week, including a flurry of media appointments. I don't really like talking about myself, so have let Skeleton Bob or Fred do many of the appointments.
But it was all in a good cause of getting people to think about death, come along to one of the two events we're running:
information * talks * conversation
This Saturday 11th May, at Arthur Rank Hospice
(only a few tickets left)
activities * arts * games * interaction
Next Saturday 18th May, at Cambridge City Crematorium
(free to drop in all day, and the one with all the skeletons)
I hope to see you at one or both events.
Go to our main webpage, Dying for Life, to find out more and keep informed of future events.
Meanwhile, enjoy my embarrassment in the media:
That's Cambridge TV - 2 showings
I'm afraid I don't have any links to Cambridge News coverage
Or clips from the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire Jeremy Sallis show
Though I do have a photo of the interviewees (me as Dying for Life, Sally Fenn from Companion Voices, Tracy O'Leary from Woodland Wishes, and Ian Morris, who wrote the wonderful "The Motorcycle Hearse and other undertakings".