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Susan Elaine Jones
Nov 9, 20183 min read
Bodyworlds Piccadilly
Not piccalilli. Not peccadillo. Not even Pickled Liver (though there might have been one). Thank you Siri and iphone autocorrect for...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Nov 4, 20182 min read
Best story of the month
This month I have been to a number of Death Awareness events: From Selfies to Runes, how do we want to be remembered? Face to Face with...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Oct 11, 20182 min read
Art still isn't easy
Today I am happy to share some animals from Conrad Gesner's "Icones Animalium". This delight from 1553 (reprinted in 1560 by popular...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Sep 28, 20182 min read
It isn't easy being an artist
How many woodcuts can a wood cutter cut if a wood cutter needs to illustrate a natural history encyclopedia? Okay, so it's a bad pun. But...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Aug 17, 20181 min read
Butterflies, bats, fish and flying things
The Zoology Museum in Cambridge is now fully open! (Okay, that's been true for a couple of months, but I've been a bit run down and...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Aug 10, 20182 min read
Faces of Tutankhamen
Also at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology this month (only till 23 September) are some original photos of the tomb of...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Aug 3, 20182 min read
Horn dancing and headdresses
The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) has an exhibition based on the Star Carr finds. If you're not familiar with it, it is...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jul 13, 20184 min read
Things I learnt last week
Last week I spent a couple of days at the Material Bodies conference, where archaeologists and historians got together to share and...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jun 29, 20181 min read
Problems with primates
As I tidy my house (which is a fairly rare occurrence), I found a third drawing of the taxidermy cases of Ipswich Museum from back in...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jun 22, 20182 min read
All white cast (almost)
As part of a couple of days working with the Museum Detox/Museum Remix teams, I finally made a visit to the Museum of Classical...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jun 20, 20184 min read
What is art for?
So this week, month, and some of this year, and years before, I have been contemplating art. In a classic photographic text, I came...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Jun 4, 20181 min read
Help a starving artist
Quick blog post to say things are for sale. Specifically, a first opportunity to see and buy four limited edition images from my...
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Susan Elaine Jones
May 25, 20183 min read
Bulletproof Armadillo?
Having spent a lot of time in the newly re-opened Zoology Museum, I have recently been looking at Armadillos. Googling them, I see one of...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Apr 27, 20185 min read
It WAS the end of the world
The Panacea museum. Where to start describing this... this... genius work of museum explanation text. Perhaps I should first state its...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Apr 6, 20181 min read
Dying for a panacea
A quick note to say, if you haven't been lucky enough to receive a panacea cure (available by post up until 2012) from the immortal...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Mar 23, 20182 min read
The dead on display
Summary of the University of Southampton "Skeletons, Stories and Social Bodies" conference 2018: Met some old friends, made some new...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Mar 18, 20181 min read
Packing for social bones
Quick blog to say sorry for being quiet - I've been manning various events in the Cambridge Science Festival, and now am packing pictures...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Mar 2, 20183 min read
If a body meet a body...
What to do with your old cadaver? Find some thoughts here
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Susan Elaine Jones
Feb 23, 20182 min read
I ate body!
Last week I mentioned the great auk in Norwich Museum in their Natural History gallery. This week I was reminded of a exercise in writing...
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Susan Elaine Jones
Feb 16, 20182 min read
Relaxing with chickens and paint guns
This week I had one of those light-bulb moments. Of course, it comes in the middle of relaxing in bed, which can be quite disturbing. But...
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